Candidate Statements

In the run-up to the 2024 UK General Election on 4 July, we contacted candidates in constituencies with a high volume of British Arab voters, and invited them to make a statement to their prospective British Arab constituents. We asked candidates to respond within a week. Here are some of their responses.

Edward Lucas, Liberal Democrats, Westminster and City

"I’ve campaigned against racism and discrimination all my life. particularly in my work on the repression of religious and ethnic minorities in China, and in the ethnography of the muslim peoples of Russia’s Volga and Caucasus regions. I have also  written about religion, including Islam, in my work as a journalist, first as a senior editor at the Economist and lately as a columnist at the Times.

I am honoured to have so many British-Arab voters living in my community will be delighted to engage with representatives of the Arab and Arabic-speaking communities, of all faiths and none." 


Rachel Blake, Labour Party, Westminster and City

"Thank you so much for getting in touch on this issue. I appreciate how important this is and I share the concerns of the British Arab community both here in Cities of London and Westminster and across the country.

Campaigning for the last two years in this constituency, I hugely value the contribution the community and I would be very happy to meet up with you and your members if elected." 


Vivien Lichtenstein, Green Party, Queens Park and Maida Vale

"I’m happy to have been introduced to the important work of the British Arab Assembly, especially as I used to Co-Chair Jewish Arab Dialogue 30 years ago – my former Co-Chair now lives in Amman, and we remain very close friends.

Prior to joining the Green Party in 1997 – and simultaneously – I have campaigned for peace and human rights in Israel-Palestine with Jewish and joint Jewish-Palestinian groups, including Jews for Justice for Palestinians; visited projects in the South Hebron Hills, Hebron, Bethlehem, Silwan, East Jerusalem, and Jenin; demonstrated in Palestine against settlements and the wall; and was the financial administrator for the Freedom Theatre’s UK tour of The Siege.

The Green Party has consistently condemned Hamas’s attacks and the taking of hostages, and we have demanded their release – unconditionally – ever since. We have also been calling for a permanent bilateral ceasefire in Gaza since 17th October 2023 and will continue to do so. The Green Party has long opposed the arms trade and called for an end to the UK's involvement. We are also keen for the International Court of Justice to proceed to complete its work. The United Kingdom needs to go beyond its current stance and become a genuine advocate for human rights. We need to be challenging any human rights abuses even when they are linked to our friends and allies.

I am Chair of Jewish Greens and we, together with Muslim Greens, published this joint statement (yes, there are many British Arabs who are not Muslim but thought it might be of interest)

Jewish and Muslim Greens United Against Antisemitism and Islamophobia

Together, we oppose any efforts to exploit the ongoing tragedy in Israel-Palestine to foster division, intensify antisemitism, Islamophobia and other forms of racism.

Within our communities, individuals and groups hold differing views. However, we recognise our shared common humanity and our collective pain. It's crucial to build bridges that encourage unity and prevent division from taking root.

We live in a multicultural, multi-faith society. That is something to be celebrated, enjoyed, and safeguarded.

Furthermore, we firmly reject racist misinformation and hate speech, perpetuated by certain media narratives. We oppose external pressures urging us to adopt specific stances or actions.

We will continue to work to help all party members have a better understanding of what constitutes anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim racism. We will persist in our collective efforts, working for a fairer, greener future."


Mona Adam, Green Party, Kensington and Bayswater

"I am writing to express my unwavering support for the British Arab community and to emphasize the importance of your political representation in the upcoming general election. The current political climate, particularly considering recent events in Gaza, has left many feeling disillusioned and uncertain. As a candidate who has made the decision to transition from the Labour Party to the Green Party, I want to explain my reasons and reaffirm my commitment to the principles that matter most to you.

My decision to move to the Green Party stems from a deep conviction that the values of peace, justice, and environmental sustainability must guide our political actions. The ongoing crisis in Gaza has highlighted, more than ever, the need for a political approach that prioritizes human rights, equitable foreign policy, and compassionate governance. The Green Party offers a vision that aligns more closely with these values, advocating for a more balanced and humane approach to international relations and domestic policy.

The British Arab community is a vital and dynamic part of our society, contributing immensely to the cultural, economic, and social fabric of the UK.

Your voices deserve to be heard, your concerns addressed, and your rights protected. I am committed to ensuring that your perspectives are not only considered but are integral to our political discourse.

In this election, it is crucial that we choose representatives who understand the complexities and nuances of international issues, who are willing to stand up for justice, and who are committed to building a society where everyone can thrive regardless of their background. I pledge to be that representative for you, to champion your causes, and to work tirelessly to foster a more inclusive and equitable political environment.

I encourage all British Arabs to participate actively in this election, to make your voices heard, and to vote for the values that you believe in.

Together, we can build a future that respects diversity, upholds justice, and ensures that every community, including the British Arab community, has a seat at the table.

Thank you for your continued engagement and support. I look forward to working with you to create a better and fairer society for all." 


Mona Crocker, Green Party, Chelsea and Fulham

"Thank you for getting in touch and giving me the opportunity to offer my support of the British Arab community in the UK and the importance of their political representation in the upcoming general election and wider political life. 

The ongoing situation in Gaza is devastating and I want to assure you that the Green Party are advocating for an immediate permanent ceasefire, an end to the sale of weapons to Israel, the safe return of hostages, the reinstatement of funding for UNRWA and an end to the illegal occupation.

Green spokespeople and the party’s leadership, have been calling for a ceasefire since October.

Since then, the conditions faced by Palestinians have violated even the most basic understanding of human rights. The indiscriminate bombings, the unimaginable number of men, women and children being killed and injured, as well as the deliberate withholding of medical supplies, water, food, tents and other critical supplies are amongst the worst examples of breaches of international law that we have seen in recent times. 

If elected, I will do my utmost to push the new Government to stand side by side with South Africa and the rest of the international community in securing justice for war crimes and undertaking steps such as sanctions so that Israel’s government complies with the law.

The APPG definition of Islamophobia has been adopted by the Green Party as it provides a vital framework that helps better understand and address various forms of discrimination that Muslims face in public life, media, schools, the workplace, and beyond. I believe that this is a crucial step in our efforts to foster an inclusive and respectful society. The Green Party will always oppose discrimination.

I recognise the importance of cultural and religious sensitivity in all settings. It is also vital to ensure that we are inclusive and respectful to avoid discrimination. I am committed to working towards policies that balance cultural sensitivity with inclusivity. I believe that through constructive conversation and collaboration, we can develop guidance that respects and accommodates the diverse needs of all communities.

Our NHS has been chronically underfunded by successive governments. The Green Party are committed to proper funding of the NHS and better working conditions for staff. We are also strong advocates of restoring council budgets for public health and prevention.

I recognise that joined-up services are essential to ensure that the health and wellbeing of our communities are not neglected. The Green Party is committed to targeting extra resources to those areas in greatest need. 

Regarding homes, we would invest in retrofitting programmes both for social housing and privately owned homes, helping both with the cost of living and providing jobs.

In addition to funding, it’s important to tackle the structural inequalities faced by many people, for example when they are accessing employment, this is known to disproportionately affect Muslim women. The Green Party will seek to redress any inequality in terms of equal pay for equal work, and unfair recruitment and retention practices.

Thank you for reaching out to me and sharing the work of British Arab Assembly, a much-needed organisation helping to empower and inform the British Muslim community.

We believe in political participation for everyone, at every level of government - local and national." 


Meg Shepherd-Foster, Green Party, Cardiff North

"Nothing about us without us. That is a one of the first messages that I got when I joined the Green Party. To be inclusive, is to lift up the voices of those around us and to value the richness and diversity of our multi-cultural city. We reject prejudice and discrimination in all its guises, and commit to working hard to build dialogue and build relationships within our communities. This, of course, includes British Arabs in Cardiff and we value and welcome them as part of a larger whole." 


Ali Abdulla, Worker's Party, Kingston and Surbiton

"I have pledged online, through hustings and TV interviews to support all of your efforts.

Accordingly, I fully support the right of all communities to have equal rights under international law and equal respect from all other communities. It is an extremely difficult situation and somehow we need to stop the cycle of violence and injustice.

 If elected I hope to play my full part in bringing UK communities together and supporting all moves to find lasting peace in the region." 


James Hamblin, Conservatives, Cardiff West

"If elected on July 4th I pledge to listen closely to the concerns of the British-Arab community in Cardiff West. It's important to me that the British-Arabs in Cardiff West feel they are listened to, and I intend to be a voice for their concerns in Westminster.

In particular, I've been very pleased to see the progress the UK government has made towards a trade deal with the Gulf Co-operation Council and I will continue to advocate for this should I be elected on July 4th." 


Neil McEvoy, Propel, Cardiff West

"I support the Charter below:

The BAA charter covers the vital missions listed below:

  1. To represent British citizens with roots in or connection to Arabic-speaking countries (hereafter British Arabs), in all their richness and diversity, irrespective of race or ethnicity, faith, gender, and sexuality; to engage responsibly and in a non-partisan way on issues that affect them.
  2. To engage with legislative bodies, policy makers, and the media, on social, economic, political, and environmental issues that affect British Arabs.
  3. To improve dialogue and promote good relations between British Arabs, political bodies and broader society, including educational establishments and the media.
  4. To protect against and represent British Arabs on issues of racism, prejudice, orientalism and discrimination.
  5. To promote research into, and public education about, anti-Arab racism.
  6. To develop an educated, informed and engaged British Arab electorate and be a non-partisan information hub for British Arab voters.

I must point out however that I live in Wales and therefore I identify as Welsh and find the blanket British Arab term colonialist in nature. 

My country of Wales has its own language, history and culture which is different from that of England and this needs to e recognised. 

Welsh members of the Westminster Parliament are essentially lobbyists for the most important everyday policies which are decided upon in Cardiff. 

I have been a strong supporter of a free Palestine since 1985, when I first got involved in politics aged 15. I was horrified then and I am still horrified now. Propel called for a ceasefire in Gaza in October 2023.

I am a former secretary of Palestine Solidarity Campaign Cymru  and have spoken at many pro-Palestine demonstrations and I recently assisted a Palestinian family bring a Welsh child to safety from Gaza. I have a track record of helping reunite families in that I organised Safia Salah returning to Wales in 2019 from Yemen, after being kidnapped as a child. I have Yemeni heritage myself.

In our own micro-support for Palestine, our family does not spend money with businesses which support the oppression of the Palestinian people. I abhor the double standards in relation to state terrorism inflicted on Palestine and I have been both staggered and appalled at the lack of support for a ceasefire amongst the established parties.

I fully support the prosecution of those responsible for war crimes." 


Charlie Clinton, Liberal Democrats, Holborn and St Pancras

"At this time, with the rise of right-wing populism all over Europe, stoking division & fear, particularly aimed at migrants, it is more important than ever that the rest of us in Britain stand up and say “this is not who we are” – and that we stand together with our neighbours and fellow countrymen no matter where they are from, including the Arab community that makes up such an important part of wider community of Holborn & St Pancras.

The Liberal Democrats have always been a party that stands for peace, respect and equality of opportunity – that is what it means to be Liberal. And we will continue to uphold those values, as shown by our response to the crisis in Gaza.
We have been calling for a bilateral ceasefire for months, as well as an arms embargo on Israel and sanctions on the two extreme right-wing ministers in the Israeli government. We have also been calling for the release of all hostages and a massive increase in aid for Palestinians. To paraphrase our foreign affairs spokesperson Layla Moran – we are on the side of compassion – we are on the side of the innocents. Whoever & wherever they are.

And, as a next step we want the UK to lead the way on negotiations for a 2-state solution – starting with the immediate recognition of the state of Palestine.
Finally, as Democrats we also stand for a fair, functioning democracy. Our current system of government leaves many people underrepresented in parliament, and feeling ignored. From my conversations on the doors in the last few months, I know many members of the Arab community in particular have felt let down by our national politics, and we want to change that by giving voters a stronger voice, and holding politicians to account. Until politics works for everyone in this country, this country won’t work for everyone." 


David Stansell, Green Party, Holborn and St. Pancras

"Regarding your cause I fully support the right of all communities to have equal rights under international law and equal respect from all other communities. It is an extremely difficult situation and somehow we need to stop the cycle of violence and injustice. 

If elected I hope to play my full part in bringing UK communities together and supporting all moves to find lasting peace in the region. 

I am keen to visit your offices to discuss the issues that the community faces and hear your views." 


Parham Hashemi, Workers Party of Britain, Manchester Central

"The issue of Palestine is incredibly close to my heart. Growing up, I was acutely aware of the struggles faced by the Palestinian people and the injustices they endure. These stories have left an indelible mark on me, fueling my passion for justice and human rights.

As a parliamentary candidate, I am committed to standing with the British Arab community and advocating for their rights and representation. The British Arab community's rich and diverse contributions to our society cannot be overstated, and their voices deserve to be heard in all facets of political life.

Our party’s manifesto strongly supports the call for justice in Palestine. We stand firmly against the occupation and for the rights of all Palestinians to live in peace and security. This commitment is not just a political stance for me; it is a personal mission driven by my lifelong empathy for the plight of the Palestinian people.

I wholeheartedly support the BAA’s mission to improve dialogue, combat racism, and ensure political representation for British Arabs. I would be honoured to issue a statement in support of the British Arab community, recognising their vital role in our society and pledging my commitment to their causes.

If elected, I promise to be a relentless advocate for peace, justice, and equality, both locally and internationally. I am committed to fostering a political environment where the voices of British Arabs are not only heard but are integral to the decisions that shape our future.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to connect with the British Arab community. Together, we can strive for a fairer and more just society for all." 


Ekua Bayunu, Green Party, Manchester Central

"I am delighted to engage with the British Arab Assembly, (BAA) and I offer my full support to the British Arab community in the UK. I recognise the importance of your political representation both in the upcoming general election and wider political life as well as celebrate your ongoing contributions to British society, in education, industry, business , science, medicine, the arts to name a few areas of excellence.

As a Green Parliamentary candidate, I do not hesitate in representing all British citizens, whilst recognising the specific conditions facing those with roots in or connection to Arabic-speaking countries, in all their richness and diversity, irrespective of race or ethnicity, faith, gender, and sexuality.

Given current events in the Middle East, in particular reference to Palestine, I understand that this general election is a particularly sensitive time for British Arab voters. I have read the aims of the BAA and will support them to achieve these objectives in line with our Green Party manifesto and policies.

There is no environmental justice without social justice and social justice depends on the tackling of all forms of racism and prejudice including islamophobia and orientalism." 


Our ask: "Given current events in the Middle East, in particular reference to Palestine, the general election is a sensitive period for British Arab voters, many of whom remain undecided whom to vote for on July the 4th with traditional party loyalties largely shifting.  As a parliamentary candidate who has a large contingent of British Arab voters in your prospective constituency we would like to ask if you would issue a statement in support of the British Arab community in the UK and their importance of their political representation in the upcoming general election and wider political life."


We invite statements from all parties. If you would like to submit a statement, please email:



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